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Excellence in Quality Control and Assurance


深圳市谦陌通辰实验有限公司成立于2018年,拥有20年与国内、外一流院校,OECD GLP实验室及农药科研机构的合作成果积累,配套齐全的精密分析仪器与良好的研发创新环境。由深耕农药行业30余载的资深专家领衔、硕博精英组成的科研团队,致力于提供农药分析检测、质量管理及农药合成、制剂研发服务,是独立、公正的第三方综合性实验室。


About Us

Established in 2018, Qianchen Laboratories Co. Ltd., equipped with state-of-the-art analytical instruments and an environment conducive to innovative R&D. Led by seasoned experts, deeply rooted in the pesticide industry for over three decades. Our dedicated research team, consisting of masters and PhD elites, has accumulated 20 years of collaboration with top-tier domestic and international academic institutions, OECD GLP labs, and research organizations. We are committed to providing services in pesticide analysis, testing, quality management, and pioneering R&D in innovation of new pesticides.

As a trusted and neutral third-party lab, holding the CMA certification and CNAS accreditation, we offer testing for up to 145 distinct pesticide physicochemical properties and contents, numerous granted patents have been obtained for our independent research in pesticide synthesis.

Adhering to the spirit of innovative problem-solving and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we are devoted to serving our global clientele. Striving to be a globally renowned and trusted laboratory in pesticide services including quality testing,management,molecule design, we widely absorb and foster collaboration with the industry’s best talents and aim to advance the evolution of contemporary plant protection products both domestically and worldwide.

服务范围 Business scope

We specialize in a range of services, including but not limited to:

新闻资讯 News


Gaoxin Certification

新年新气象,开局谱新篇。迈入2024新年之际,全国高新技术企业认定管理工作领导小组办公室发布《对深圳市认定机构2023年认定报备的第四批高新技术企业进行备案的公告》,我司深圳市谦陌通辰实验有限公司荣获 “国家高新技术企业”认定。证书编号:GR202344207256。祝贺我实验室继CMA、CNAS成功认定后,再上台阶,昂首迈入国家高新技术企业行列。

联系我们 Contact Us

For more information or to schedule a service, please contact us at:

Email: info@qclab.com.cn

Tel: 86-755 2321 3361

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